Delta Wright

DOCENT Briefing No.18 | Hello Again

Delta Wright

Hi There—

You may recall that just before the pandemic, I launched DOCENT. A digital platform here on my website where I explore and share my thoughts and experiences solving design problems with ingenuity and beauty. In my world, it was all systems go…it was Spring 2020… 

Since then, we’ve experienced a global pandemic together, become social justice advocates together, I sent my first-born off to college, played a full-length concert in honor of my 50th (were you there ?!), I completed my marriage of 25 years and I got a dog. Well, technically he belongs to my younger teenager who is still at home. Yes, times have changed. We ALL have changed. 

During this time, there’s been deep reflection and reinvention in my life and in my work. I’ve enjoyed the opportunity to slow down and rethink how we live and work. And now, moving into a new future, we all have the opportunity to re-set. As a small business owner, a single mom of two teenage girls and a creative problem-solver, I am committed to using my skills to build a healthier future. With that said, be on the lookout for my post-pandemic endeavor called Homelife — targeted Home Decor Services to make your home look and feel good. Follow on instagram

My mission to create "interiors that look and feel good" has never felt more needed as cocooning at home becomes the new normal - except when we’re out traveling - FINALLY! The desire to shelter yourself from the harsh realities of the world by creating a home that feeds your soul and meets your functional needs requires an internal focus. What makes you feel comfortable? What holds meaning to you? How do you want to design your lifestyle? 

This year, I will be back with you exploring these questions and many more. Here’s to dusting ourselves off and starting again…!